A library of CPPTraj scripts and built-in generator functions.


angles_and_dist_script(protein_id, h_index, ...)

Get distances and angles

basic_metrics_script(protein_id, ...)

Get basic useful metrics

calculate_hbonds_script(protein_id, ...)

Calculate all hbonds that form between the protein and substrate.

closest_waters_script(protein_id, centroid, ...)

Extract the 9000 waters closest to the centroid

gbsa_script(protein_id, ligand_name, ...[, cpus])

Submit a GBSA calculation.

get_last_frame(prmtop, mdcrd, output_pdb)

Get the last frame from a trajectory as a PDB.

run_cpptraj(cpptraj_script[, script_name])

A generalizable function that can be used to run any of the cpptraj scripts.


Strip waters, ions, and metals and generate new mdcrd and prmtop files

submit_script(protein_id, script_name, cpus)

Classic submit script for CPPTraj jobs.