Performs charge shift analysis (CSA) form TeraChem output.

Module Contents


clean_dir(→ str)

Searches the current directory for files, prints missing file alerts.

file_mover(→ None)

Check the current directory for the five required files and move them.

get_mask_res(→ List)

Create a list of the residues that should belong to the holo/apo regions.

mask_maker(→ None)

Create the apo and holo masks from the original PDB file.

collect_charges(→ None)

Collect the charges from the charge.xls file.

get_res_diff(→ List)

Calculate the charge difference for the apo and holo residue list files.

charge_diff(→ None)

Calculate the difference in the charges for the apo and holo residue lists.

quick_csa_intro(→ None)

Introduces the user to Quick CSA and provides information on how it is run.

quick_csa(→ None)

The central handler funtion for the Quick CSA program. str[source]

Searches the current directory for files, prints missing file alerts.

Cleans the directory into a three-folder system: 1_input, 2_temp, and 3_out.


pdb_name (str) – The name of the PDB that the user would like processed.


pdb_name – The name of the PDB that the user would like processed.

Return type:

str, pdb_name) None[source]

Check the current directory for the five required files and move them.


file_system_exists (boolean) – The path of the user’s full PDB. List[source]

Create a list of the residues that should belong to the holo/apo regions.


type (str) – Tell function if it is the holo or apo list.


mask_list – An array of all the residues that the user wants included in their mask.

Return type:

List[], pdb_name, type) None[source]

Create the apo and holo masks from the original PDB file.

  • raw_mask (str) – A list of residues that the user wants pulled from the original PDB.

  • pdb_name (str) – The name of the user’s original PDB file from which we create the mask.

  • type (str) – Tell function if it is the holo or apo mask. None[source]

Collect the charges from the charge.xls file.


type (str) – Tell function if it is the holo or apo mask. List[source]

Calculate the charge difference for the apo and holo residue list files.


res_diff – A list of the residues that were removed in the holo structure.

Return type:

list None[source]

Calculate the difference in the charges for the apo and holo residue lists.


ns_res_list (list) – A list of the residues that were removed in the holo structure. None[source]

Introduces the user to Quick CSA and provides information on how it is run. Contains information about the required files and the naming conventions. None[source]

The central handler funtion for the Quick CSA program. This function is also provided as a module in the pyQM/MM package.